he feared entity that was The Brotherhood was less like a shadowy, dirty band of vigilantes and more like a well-oiled, well-funded, research facility, as Nicholas came to describe it. His eyes looked around the new room he was ushered into. It was medium sized, open and bare, except for the metal table and two chairs in the center. The guards that led him into the room fastened his new set of shackles to one of the chair’s arms and legs, with the chain running between his ankles attaching to a metal loop and padlock on the floor. These guys left nothing to chance.
The new shackles were traded for the first set, and were surprisingly made without silver. Nicholas was also given a new pair of cheap pants in place of the ones he shredded earlier. The small changes occurred moments before being led into the hall and into uncertainty.
A woman in her fifties, the one who first peered into his cell, entered the room and sat across from him. She looked like a doctor, or someone pretending to be a doctor, complete with a white lab coat, reading glasses, and her brown hair loosely swept up in a bun. Her brown eyes looked through her glasses and at the open folder on the table. As she flipped through the pages, she retrieved a pen from her coat pocket and began writing on an empty form.
“My name is Sarah,” she said, writing in her notes. “No last name needed, so we needn’t worry about formal pleasantries.” She flipped to a new form and continued speaking. “I see here that you were quick to pass our first test.”
Nicholas’ eyes squinted at her statement.
She glanced at him then explained. “You are resourceful. Some subjects take twenty minutes before using their clothing to ease their pain, while others allow themselves to suffer. But make no mistake, if by any reason you become a naughty puppy, we will return you to your silver jewelry and leave you naked. That is your only warning. Now, let us get down to business. I will ask you some questions and you will answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Do you understand?”
Looking at the two stoic guards left in the room, Nicholas answered, “Yes.”
“Alright. Are your eyes hazel?”
“Is your hair blond?”
“Is your full name Nicholas William Conrad?”
He took in a deep breath. “Yes.”
“Are you part of a pack?”
“Do you have a mate?”
Sarah’s eyes peered over her glasses as she questioned further. “You were observed with a female, yet she is not your mate?”
Nicholas’ hands tightened into fists. “What do you want with me?”
She raised her head, a look of judgment settling across her face with a sigh. “You are a rogue. You also live outside of human society. Your only constant companion in life was a vampire. I don’t think you’ll be missed.”
A spiteful laugh left Nicholas. “Why didn’t I listen to her?
“To who?”
“Get back to your questionnaire so I can get back to my cell.”
Sarah’s lips tightened at the hostility that was easily tapped. “This is only the beginning of a very busy day.” She looked down at the paper. “Was your father’s name Richard Holt Conrad?”
With teeth clenched, Nicholas answered. “Yes.”