About the Author

JULIE DEVIN was born and raised in southern West Virginia. Most of her childhood was spent with her cousin, who aided in the creation of many characters and fantasy stories. Within the woods behind her home, she would spend hours daydreaming, as well as playing with her two younger sisters and older brother.

Though she thought of one day working as a professional artist, the love of creating stories was too great. With notebooks upon notebooks sitting throughout her room, all filled with ideas and characters begging to be heard, she refused to ignore their callings any longer.

Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self.”
Cyril Connolly


Thoughts on Eden

Ever since I was a child, when other little girls were playing with dolls, I’ve always had some type of vampire story floating around in my head. Though my love for werewolves developed years later, they also hold a special place in my heart. Blah, that sounds really cheesy, but it’s the truth. I’m also a fan of the horror genre, always have been, always will be. Writing about these loves of mine is one thing, but allowing others to read them… It makes me nervous as hell. It’s like putting your heart and soul into a beautiful painting, and then having to brave those unforgiving art critics. But writing is a little bit different. Much more time and effort goes into the final manuscript, time an artist can spend painting a dozen masterpieces or more. And this is why I’m always hesitant when allowing others to read my work.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.
A great story is in the heart of the writer.
– Julie Devin